I'm Philip Pelto
I'll never forget the moment I discovered the power of referrals and I knew my path was to share my gift with other business professionals.
I was selling Cutco knives in my senior year of high school. I was motivated and enthusiastic about my new gig and I was determined to be successful.
The only problem was, I was poor, and my network (or my mom’s network) wasn’t much better. So I needed to get referred outside my inner circle ASAP!Â
The answer was so simple. Just ask to be introduced to people. Ask for referrals.
I've always been a little bit lazy.
But Bill Gates said; “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
So I wanted to develop a way for me to increase my sales and my closing % without increasing my call volume. So that’s what I did. I learned how to ask for targeted referrals. I learned how to build strategic partnerships with other professionals that could refer me business. And I have taught that process to thousands of business owners and sales people over the last 25 years.

Now I help driven professionals like you go from cold calling and ineffective marketing to a steady flow of referrals from clients and partners.
Now it’s your turn: Build that referral engine so you can take back your time and build the company and the life you’ve always dreamed of. I’m here to help you get there.
The compound effect of a network is real. Relationships have value. The longer you wait, the greater the lost opportunity cost becomes down the road. Let’s get started today!
Join My Network!
I always say “If you know who to call, call them. If you don’t know who to call, call me.” I’m looking for best-in-class professionals in every industry to refer to.Â